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High page 1 ranking on Google is the quickest way to get thousands of targeted visitors searching for what you offer.

People are 7 times more likely to click on organic search results than they are Pay-Per-Click ads. They trust them more. All this and they're free.

It's not easy getting a first page ranking on Google for competitive keywords. And you won't get the results you want without it. Fortunately it is possible if you do the right things.

These are just a few of the clients we've helped move up to Google's first page. Many to the coveted #1 position.

When environmentally concerned citizens search for the words carbon footprint, help our planet, our client shows up #1 out of 2.5 million websites. Search for the words car free days and our client is #3 out of 225 million.
Results: over 400,000 visitors and 100,000 pledges.

Fans who search for the author Bonny Belgum will find our client Ken Arnold Books comes up #2 out of 2.6 million listings. Amazon is only #4 on the same page.

If college is in your child's immediate future, you might need college planning services. Our client's website comes up #1 and #2 out of 81 million.

Looking for a free website success check-up? The Studio 525 website comes up #1 out of 32 million. Maybe that's how you found us.

No honest marketer can guarantee you Google's first page position, especially for competitive keywords. But there are many ways to move higher in Google's rankings. None of them include the SEO tricks you see splashed all over the web. They don't work. There are no shortcuts.

What does work is great content with the right keywords and lots of legitimate inbound links. That's what works for our clients. Go to Google and see the results for yourself.

Contact us today and we'll be happy to show you how it can work for you.

To get high volumes of targeted traffic, you need more than search engines alone. They're only part of the picture. To be successful, you need to combine all the traffic pulling tools: SEO, PR, articles, promotions, contests, Social Media and Pay Per Click. For more information about attracting high traffic to your website, check out our Free e-Book
The Complete Online Selling System
5 Proven Steps That Turn Your Website Into A Powerful Sales Magnet



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