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Ken Arnold Books
what our client said


An award-winning author wrote the original Sales Page for a new book called High Hat. It was a quirky book featuring the Pope as a gun toting Private Eye. A lot of traffic came to the Sales Page, but it couldn't attract a market. Sales were terrible. Less than 1% conversion.

Very few writers make good copywriters, even award-winning authors it seems.

A new and quirky book like this one isn't the easiest thing to create a new market for. But we love a good challenge. We re-wrote the entire Sales Page, created a new offer with a 100% Laugh Out Loud Guarantee, and re-wrote the Pay Per Click ads.

Within three months sales increased 803%.

Never underestimate the power of good web copywriting to generate great results.

If your sales aren't doing as well as you'd like, contact us today. We'll be happy to examine your website. We'll give you a detailed one page report with our recommendations for increasing your conversion rates. And we won't charge you a penny for this service. The reason for that is simple. Few people don't hire us when they see how much we can help their business.

It's a win-win situation. Isn't that what we all want?

Free Website Success Check-Up


  landing page copywriting