
   response rate

  copywriting  Brickbottom Artists Association

Fund raising letters hope for a 2-5% response rate. The Brickbottom Artists Association was no different. Yet this one letter received a staggering 52% response rate. And increased donations over 1,000%.

With coffers more bare than usual and extra funds needed for their 20th anniversary celebration, the association needed a large increase of funds quickly.

Our Creative Director recently joined the Association, understood their problem and offered his copywriting services to bring in the needed funds.

He wrote a direct, personal and inspiring letter that lit a fire under the membership. This one page letter renewed each member's commitment to the association and produced a flood of new contributions. Many people contributed for the first time in the association's history.

At a time when contributions had been dwindling for years, this one fund raising letter produced 1,000% increase over their previous best year. A 52% response rate in an industry of 2-5%.

The right words have amazing power. They can fan the flames of love, win political power and create vast fortunes.

Isn't it time you harnessed the power of the right words for your business?

Contact studio 525 today. Our Creative Director and master copywriter will look over your website and show you how a few changes can dramatically increase your conversion rates.


  fund raising